Why an alternative residence?
For individuals with the need for freedom and security, a residence permit, which can be achieved through a Residence by Investment solution in many countries, offers numerous advantages, regardless what region you hale from.
Gain security.
In times of ever greater economic and political instability around the globe a residence permit in a secure country offers independence and freedom. If needed, individuals with a corresponding residence permit can move their residence to this country without a problem and at any time. And they can do this quickly and without any further administrative formalities.
Travel more freely.
Thanks to a residence permit in a Schengen state all non-Schengen citizens benefit because they can move freely within the Schengen states and travel without obstacles. The tedious and complicated visa procedures in many places no longer apply, and personal freedom of movement and independence rise.
Exploiting business opportunities.
A residence permit in a country makes the founding of a company in one’s own name possible without having to involve third parties. This can ease market entry into other countries for entrepreneurs and thus save time and costs.
Discover all our residence programs.
Armenia | Austria | Cyprus | Germany | Greece | Malta | Portugal | Slovenia | Spain | USA
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